100 days return policy
Frequently asked questions about returns
We get many questions about returning goods. In order to clear up any ambiguities, we've compiled answers to the most common questions regarding returns here.
If you still don't find an answer to your question, feel free to contact us by phone: +46 (0) 31 - 373 60 13 (Sweden) or through our contact form https://support.missmary.com/hc/requests/new.
The phone is open all weekdays, except national holidays, Monday - Friday 10am-12pm and 1pm-4pm.
Why has my return not been registered?
Your returned goods usually arrive at the local return address within a couple of days, but it can take up to 2 weeks for them to be processed. This is because the processing takes place at our warehouse in Estonia. Your return has only come a little way on its journey when it has reached the local return address, so it takes a little longer for your return to be registered.
Why did the returned goods come back to me?
If you use the same packaging that you received your item in, the post office might scan the old barcode, meaning that you become the recipient for the returned goods as well. That's why you must make sure that the barcode and your address on the old label are properly crossed out when you send the package. Another option is to attach the return label so that it covers the old one – that way you won't risk the post office sending the item back to you.
Why was my return not collected?
Returns must always be submitted to a post office or postal agent, and sent as normal post with a stamp, and not as a trackable package. (In some countries, the shipping is prepaid and then the shipping cost is adjusted once we have received your return.) If you send your package with trackable shipping, there may be problems when the package is delivered to our local return address, as there are not always staff at these. Trackable packages must be acknowledged with a signature, and if there are no staff on site, the package cannot be delivered.
Why do I have to pay for the return postage?
Instead of including shipping costs in the product prices, shipping costs are added in cases where you need to send us a return.
What happens if I send my return as regular post and it disappears?
We guarantee that all returns will be processed. Please note that a return can take up to 14 days for us to process. If your return has not been registered within this time, please contact us!
How much time do I have to return my item?
At Miss Mary you always have the right to return goods within 100 days.